Looking For Silhouette Blinds?
Silhouette blinds look and function like an elegant shutter, made up of mesh and translucent fabric steps in a fine design. The fabrics include bright colors that are suitable for modern and innovative design, or a romantic or rustic design. These blinds combine a special appearance with maximum functionality, where you can control lighting and concealment, by setting the steps to the desired position. When you draw the blinds down, you can look out through the steps and enjoy light and air without being exposed to the neighbors’ eyes. If you want to achieve darkness in the room, you can combine silhouette blinds with the Dim Out option for optimal filtering of light from outside. These blinds are simple to operate, easy to maintain and are a good fit for a large window in the living room or small windows in the rooms.
Order silhouette blinds today – Custom Blinds From Orgon